Seriously, why are you here? Why did you bother to wake up this morning? What drives you to go to work? Is it fear or it is it passion?
My purpose today is to give you something to reflect on. I want you to think about how you are living and examine for a moment if you are really living at all. It took me years to have the courage to ask the deeper questions of my existence. And today, I would like to share one small filament that guides me: Choice.
The most amazing power we have is the power to choose. The problem is that most of us do not know that we have this power. We assume that our choices are limited to a selection of choices instead of having the unlimited choices. We are told by 'others' that we can choose to do "this" or we can choose to do "that".
Our choices normally come in pairs; get a job or go to school, marry the person or move on, buy this house or rent it. This dichotomy is built into the system of life. But why? Why have we 'chosen' to see the world in such a limited way?
The more I blog, the more I am angered by the false limitations I have put upon myself. That is right, I said "limitations I have put upon MYSELF". Nobody did this to me. I have only my own ignorance to blame. But now that I can see, I refuse to bow down anymore to the duality.
I invoke my Human right to choose from unlimited choices and design a path that is unique to me. I choose to follow my passion and a Cause I deem worthy of my time. This is my moment to stand on the internet mountain top and scream a primal yell to all the world. I want you to be limitless and understand that the choices presented are NOT all the choices available.
Live for passion not fear.
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