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Showing posts with the label humanity

Be a loner and perish; Be part of a team and thrive

Connecting. The human species is a very fragile and weak creature when are compared to all the other animals on the planet. We do not have thick skin, claws, the ability to run fast, climb, or thrive in environments beyond a very small range of temperatures. Our situation is even more dire when we are first born. The species family unit must maintain hundred percent vigilance for the first couple years of life just to be able to survive. By all rights, the human species should’ve been destroyed by everything else on this planet. So why are we still here?? From my personal experience, I believe it is because of our ability to collaborate with one another and work towards a common goal through task specialization and delegation. It is impossible to be all things to all people. Our natural talents and disadvantages automatically make us better at some things and worse at others. Through task specialization we can become more useful to those around us and becomes a key reason why others...

Don’t Suck, Finding Purpose not to be mediocre.

Rule one, don’t suck! Sounds easy, but actions speak louder than words. There are just times when we are not feeling it.Times when we want to lay in bed rather then come up with the reasons to care. But then again, this is the struggle that us humans are blessed with. For the last couple weeks I have personally been struggling with finding my path and with finding reasons to be awesome. Being mediocre is so easy. It barely takes any effort at all. I have been trying to dig deeper into myself and I realized that I need more reasons to put in the effort. I need hope, I need the dreams, and I need to be inspired. When I don’t have these things my thoughts range from apathy to chewing on bullets. Deep down I know that I am not alone with these thoughts. I know that others are suffering in silence seeking some sort of glimmer of light in the darkness. So what to do about it? I have chosen to enact my divine right of choice. I am going to choose a higher purpose to believe in and ex...

Sex Tapes, Political Volcanos, and Gun Control

I am blown away of how we are attracted to stories and images of sex, tragedy, and beliefs. Another celebrity sex tape and I am left wondering why such a story so important to the human population? Is it simply our procreative instincts kicking in? Or something deep down in us that reflects our species worldview? Or maybe it is a welcome distraction… Maybe it is too much to ask to be curious why the president of the United States is in India, the impacts of a giant volcanic eruption in Indonesia, or debating melting over 3 million weapons currently held by Americans. When I compare and contrast events that may have a direct impact on my life, a celebrity sex tape doesn’t even register. I am impacted by trade agreements other countries. I am impacted by volcanoes spewing tons of ash into the atmosphere further the cooling of the planet. I am impacted by the fear in political discourse that may shape my kid’s future. Neuroscience teaches us that the brain deliberately attempts to co...

Why do we Dream?

Why do we dream? Our scientist say that dreams are combination of biological and psychological processes. That when we sleep or brain files away all the dynamic information from the day. The scientist also confesses that they know only a small portion of the information about the brain and how it works. And if dreaming or simply a mechanical process why do we feel that there is a certain mystery involved? They feel like a message. This is exactly how I felt this morning after waking up from a very complex dream. The dream seemed to be split between two parts. Part one I felt as if I was with a group of people who were moving, and much of the dream dealt with solidifying relationships before people left. The second dream dealt with getting lost by committing to do things I did not have a map for. But it ended with me finding a place as a reference point. In part one, it started with meeting four or five people in the parking lot getting ready to go drive into town. I remember hav...

The Power of Promises to Destroy Us

All authority must be given and cannot be taken. Those in charge may be disillusioned that somehow they ‘forced’ their authority, but in reality it was a choice by the person being ‘ruled’ to choose to be ruled. This begs the question, “how is control obtained?” What is it that the ruled do to specifically give others authority over them. My answer: Obligation When we agree to an obligation we are giving over our control to the obligation. We give over our control in our; promises to ourselves, promises to others, and promises to God. The promises we make to ourselves generally fall into changing the type of person we are. We want to be a better person, a healthy person, or a charitable person. Every day I strive to be a better friend, parent, and spouse. I’m not always as successful as I would like, and when that occurs I feel like a ‘failure’. I feel that I failed to live up to the obligation I set before myself. This pain is a point of control. I make stives to eat well, ...

We Fear to Survive, but that is not Being Human

The world is a dangerous and hostile place. It is filled with people who are different; they act different, talk different, and believe different. This difference has divided the world into two tribes The tribe of ‘us’ and the tribe of ‘them’. In one moment two people are in the same tribe as co-workers and in another, they are in different tribes as sport fans. This is all the work of our animal instincts to survive our hostile world. Our animal instincts are designed to do one thing, ensure our survival. Using the Reticular Activating System (RAS) it determines if something is a threat or an opportunity. The RAS basically filters out all the noise in the world to help us focus on what is important. Things that are new are immediately highlighted as a threat first, and then a possible opportunity. This is why we subconsciously choose to dress like our friends or end up wearing the same colors with our significant other. By matching, our animal feels safe and secure. If the n...

A Journey has Ended, Time to Make the World Better

A journey of self-discovery has ended. I have defeated the main boss, received the treasure, and now back in the ‘real’ world. I have been changed on a fundamental level and I can no longer do the things I did before as this hero’s tale has come full circle and I bring my boon back home. The Boon. The treasure I gain by defeating the main boss of ‘undisciplined action’ and ‘small vision’ is a new sense of purpose and an upgrade in self-confidence. I learned that if I want to have a huge impact in the world I cannot do it alone. More than just building a team around myself to propel my career and success, I need to build other people’s teams to propel THEIR career and success. Only by developing other leaders into leaders can I even hope to achieve any sense of world-wide impact. This new purpose came with it a serious increase in my own self-confidence. Confidence is the gravity that pulls the universe inline with your goals. I originally thought that this idea was bulls...

Are Your Friends Good For You?

Who are the people in your life? Are they the ones that motivate, inspire, and pull you up to your greatness? Are they the ones that draw on your energy, make life harder, and pull you down to your baseness? And, who are you to them? The Human species are social animals and our ability to work as a pack through collaboration is what has allowed us to leap to the top of the food chain. It isn’t our thumbs, squirrels have thumbs. Nor is it our ability to think, lots of animals can think to varying degrees. What has protected our weak flesh, brittle bones, and lack of natural offensive capability (even my cats have claws), is our ability to work together for a common cause. Now that some of us no longer have to struggle to just live everyday, how has our pack/tribe evolved? I’m going to refer to your closest friends as your pack. It is a much more accurate term than tribe due to scale. We would of had the type of pack in the days of survival who are good hunters and would share their sk...

Ownership of Your Human Life

Who owns you? To what obligations have you promised? Do you have freedom of choices or freedom of choice? Every day I evaluate my life and try to measure what I am doing to what I believe I can do. I find that most days, my assessment is aligned. If I believe I can do it, then I normally accomplish it. But this makes me wonder about the limitations of belief. What would happen if I suddenly chose to believe that I could do something I never had done before? Let’s say it is something that ‘has’ been done before, just not by me. If I believe that I could do it, then could I? And now let’s take this up to the next level. There are an infinite number things that we could do that haven’t been done yet. How do we assess the reasonable from the impossible? Or is it all possible with enough ingenuity and creativity. These particular Human attributes that define us from the other species on this planet. This takes me back to my original question of ownership. Freedom is the state of belief. ...

Why am I not Batman?

I struggle every day to find a space where my expectations and mindset meets the reality of the rest of the world. The frustration born from this discordance can be overwhelming and seem impassable. When I look around I see the untapped potential of the faces and events around me and I wonder if I have the right to expect that potential to be fulfilled. As some point we must reach a civilized agreement of what we will tolerate from each other. What we will allow to coexist within our space and what we will shun. And with this thought and question lingering I slip into the topic of today’s blog. “Why am I not Batman!” That is right, you heard me. The single indomitable focus to live a life unafraid in the pursuit of a mission and idea greater than oneself. The skill and determination to press hard against life knowing that this maybe the only chance we get to satisfy our higher divine needs. The limitless mindset to go further than anyone has ever before just to say at the end of the...

To be Human is to Create

I am not content. I am grateful for everything in my life. My struggles and my victories define the person I am today, but I want more. Why am I just not content with having what I have? Why do I feel this need to obtain more in my life? I’m not talking about physical things. While I certainly would like a couple of nicer things, this feeling of discontent is driven by something much deeper. I do what many of us do. I seek out others that may have some guidance or answer to why this hole exists in my stomach. Reading and listening to all the great authors and thinkers of mankind doesn’t seem to reach down deep enough. They grab my mind, my heart, just not by gut. That part of us that ‘hungers’. What is this beast that resides within me that seems to be insatiable? Perhaps, this is the Human Instinct. Every animal on the planet is born with instincts that are tailored to the survival of its particular species. You don’t find deer hunting rabbits, lions grazing on grass, or sharks eat...

The Savage Philosopher - Mission Statement and Introduction

The Savage Philosopher Purpose: I am here as a Savage; one who lives in the brutality of life, and as a Philosopher; one who examines the meaning of it. I believe that the Human race will one day come together and connect in ways that make our world a better place for generations to come. Since the beginning of time humans have come together for survival and for prosperity. We started out small families that grew into larger tribes until we were Nations. Many things separate us; from languages to ideals, we separate our world into comfortable spaces. Our challenge then is to become uncomfortable. We must seek experiences to connect with one another, and we must learn to live with each other’s differences. I have hope for the human race. I have hope that we will one day reconcile our differences with tolerance and acceptance. I have hope that we will no longer seek to control others, but seek to find Harmony. While I have hope, I am a realist. The human race is first and foremost an...