A journey of self-discovery has ended. I have defeated the main boss, received the treasure, and now back in the ‘real’ world. I have been changed on a fundamental level and I can no longer do the things I did before as this hero’s tale has come full circle and I bring my boon back home.
The Boon.
The treasure I gain by defeating the main boss of ‘undisciplined action’ and ‘small vision’ is a new sense of purpose and an upgrade in self-confidence. I learned that if I want to have a huge impact in the world I cannot do it alone. More than just building a team around myself to propel my career and success, I need to build other people’s teams to propel THEIR career and success. Only by developing other leaders into leaders can I even hope to achieve any sense of world-wide impact.
This new purpose came with it a serious increase in my own self-confidence. Confidence is the gravity that pulls the universe inline with your goals. I originally thought that this idea was bullsh!t until I stopped thinking and started doing. In just the few days I’ve been back, I can start to feel things being pulled towards my way. It is hard to describe in words how it just seem to be easier.
The Next Step.
So where do I go from here? It is too early to seek another adventure or another dragon to slay until I use my boon to its fullest extent. Instead of trying to run all the things at work myself, I will focus 100% of my efforts of teaching others to run all the things. I will seek to build other people’s capacity, capability, and teams up to make them more effective and achieve more.
When I think about how the human race made it against all odds to be the dominate species on the planet, I am awe struck at the accomplishment. How was it possible for a thin skinned, physically weak, weaponless animal to survive in such a hostile world? My only conclusion is that they did it together. They relied on each other and was able to overcome adversities that would of killed a single member of the species.
The End State.
Before my journey I suffered of a small vision that only included my own success and was limited to the smallness of my world. In the current hostile environment, I realize that we must rely on each other to survive. I believe that if we are to eventually reach a state of ‘thrive’ it will only be done when as a species come together in ever larger teams. This will be my direct contribution to humanity and the world. This is my Purpose…. Stay savage.
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