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OMAD. What My Stomach Taught Me

I was laying in my bed one Saturday morning watching a number of YouTube videos on personal development. Somehow the rabbit hole I was following led me the topic of OMAD, One Meal A Day.  According to a number of different so-called experts, this particular diet increased longevity, productivity, and overall health of the human body.

I have been thinking about fasting as a way to decrease the number of calories I consume over course of a week anyway. I decided that this Saturday would be the first time I attempt this diet. I failed. I did not fail because I was hungry, I failed because it did not organize my life around this idea. That weekend made me realise how dependent I was to the timestamp of the three meal a day plan.

For the following month, I attempted the OMAD meal plan with mixed success. The days I failed were the days I felt obligated to eat another meal with my family. My eventual solution was to get my family on board with my meal plan and not expect me to eat multiple meals with them. I have been very successful for the past two weeks because I was able to get my family to understand what i was doing.

Now that I have been instituting the meal plan perfectly with my family's help, I have some unique observations I would like to share.

1. My sense of time has begun to change. The only time of day that I feel attached to is my noon time meal. For the rest of the day I am in a sense of flow with whatever I am doing.

2. Not feeling satiated has given me more motivation to accomplish the tasks I want to get done during the day. I did not realise the power of Hunger in feeling energised throughout the day. I thought I would be tired. I'm not.

3. By eating only one meal a day, what I decide to eat has a higher impact on my overall health. My stomach gets full faster and I realised that I need to be very selective. Eating crap makes me feel like crap, and I will feel like crap until I eat again the following day.

The reasons I do this are not the reasons I started with. I was originally looking for something to jump start my weight loss, but what I found was a way to jump start my life.

I will come back to this topic in about a month and update you on my progress. Please leave any comments or suggestions below.

Until then, stay Savage.


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