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Showing posts with the label mission

Just Show Up!!

Showing up This week I learned the value of simply showing up. Simply by getting out of bed and putting on pants, I gained six hours of one on one coaching and business development with a specific focus on a business I am trying to do. My initial expectation was to make a couple of networking contacts and possibly learn about some local resources. But by the end of the day, my expectation was blown away. A couple of weeks ago I called my uncle about learning how to run a small business. He took over the family business a number of years ago and figured that he had some good insights on situation. Well, he directed me to go to the library and see if they were sponsoring any business classes. I have been to the library before and I did not see anything on that subject, but I also wasn’t looking for it. So the next time I took my daughter to get another 10 books to read over the week; I took the time to see if my uncle is right. And of course he was. In about two weeks from th...

Getting it Done: Riveting Conclusion

For those who are following along my little journey, here are my results: Feat 1: Education. The goal was to have everything done so that I can start school.  I’ve completed 75% of what I need to do. All my transcripts have been sent except for the last school I was going to. I still need to send them back the books from my last classes, which of course are in one of the many boxes in my garage from the move. A perfect intersection of this feat with Feat 3. Feat 2: PMP Certification. I have ordered the hardcopy book to study from and have it with me now. This week I will put my hours in the PMI website, and next week I can schedule the test. So I’m at 30% here. Feat 3: Home Ready for Guests. We have squared away about 25% of the boxes. Unfortunately the items in the boxes have not been completely put away yet. Once that is done, then we can work on the boxes that are in the garage. Feat 4: Write a Book. I am at 0% complete. Feat 5: Conquer Life Admin. OK, me and the wife...

Why do we Dream?

Why do we dream? Our scientist say that dreams are combination of biological and psychological processes. That when we sleep or brain files away all the dynamic information from the day. The scientist also confesses that they know only a small portion of the information about the brain and how it works. And if dreaming or simply a mechanical process why do we feel that there is a certain mystery involved? They feel like a message. This is exactly how I felt this morning after waking up from a very complex dream. The dream seemed to be split between two parts. Part one I felt as if I was with a group of people who were moving, and much of the dream dealt with solidifying relationships before people left. The second dream dealt with getting lost by committing to do things I did not have a map for. But it ended with me finding a place as a reference point. In part one, it started with meeting four or five people in the parking lot getting ready to go drive into town. I remember hav...

SpaceX Taught Me to be a Better Human Today

What does it take to make the impossible look possible? Elon Musk at SpaceX have given us a glimpse of that yesterday (25 Jun 2017). SpaceX flawlessly launched the Falcon 9 rocket with a multiple satellite deployment and returned the booster to the floating dock in the pacific. It is hard to put into words how impossible this was just a few years ago. This may be a turning point in human history. The place in time where we look back and say, “This is when we started to make a difference in space operations.” The only thing that has been prohibiting us from doing this sooner was cost. The cost was too high to go through the failures that are required to achieve breakthrough technology. SpaceX have effectively cut the current cost in half and the next phase of tech will cut it down to almost ⅕ the average. This will allow for more launches and more opportunity to improve on the technology at a faster rate than anyone else. Here is an excerpt from SpaceX on the launch ye...

A Journey has Ended, Time to Make the World Better

A journey of self-discovery has ended. I have defeated the main boss, received the treasure, and now back in the ‘real’ world. I have been changed on a fundamental level and I can no longer do the things I did before as this hero’s tale has come full circle and I bring my boon back home. The Boon. The treasure I gain by defeating the main boss of ‘undisciplined action’ and ‘small vision’ is a new sense of purpose and an upgrade in self-confidence. I learned that if I want to have a huge impact in the world I cannot do it alone. More than just building a team around myself to propel my career and success, I need to build other people’s teams to propel THEIR career and success. Only by developing other leaders into leaders can I even hope to achieve any sense of world-wide impact. This new purpose came with it a serious increase in my own self-confidence. Confidence is the gravity that pulls the universe inline with your goals. I originally thought that this idea was bulls...

Resetting Life, Day 7-14

My journey so far has been one of self discovery. Over the last couple of days, I realized that I will need something more than self discovery to succeed evolving into something greater. I need to completely change everything I do and the way I do it. Every moment of every day needs to be aligned with the desired life that I want to live. To include the actions I take and the habits I form to support my long term goals. The truth is that life is only what we make it; to quote the Great movie series ”there is no fate but the one we make.” I also have a confession to make. I have been holding back on all the things that I am doing to prepare myself for my next step. In this post I'm going to rectify that error. Bottom line: I have chosen to embrace suffering and pain so that I can know myself on a deeper level. This is done through newly formed rituals and habits: I only take ice cold showers. I don’t mean that at the end of a hot shower I rinse off in cold water. I mean...

Wonder Woman - Strong and Fierce

I have two daughters and I am always looking for female role models to inspire them to be strong and independent. As a long time comic book fan, there are few heroines compared to the number of heros available to model. The choices range from super sexy Black Widow to muscle bond She-Hulk. Both are awesome, but neither represent the values I would like my daughters to center on. Here comes Wonder Woman to save the day. The on-screen adaptation in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was as awesome as it was inspiring. She was portrayed as elegant in long evening gowns and then as fierce in her armor. I was very happy to see this dichotomy accepted by both my daughters. That a woman can be strong and feminine. And in Wonder Woman’s case, her feminism is her strength. I believe that having role models is very important in forming who we think we are. As part of the Human species, we tend to learn best by watching others. How to act and react to life’s situations are programed in ...

Resetting Life, Day 4-6

I took a couple of days off from this series to build up some successes (or failures) that were worthy of talking about. Our last discussion was very bland as I started to engage into a more optimal battlerythm. We left off with some simple goals of increasing the number of blogs and getting the dishes done. Well, with such low goals, I can say with complete confidence that over the last couple of days I had complete success….yea me. I did though begin to stretch into a couple of different areas and techniques that I think are pretty cool. I started to do some of my blog posts from my phone. I have the ‘blogger’ app on my phone and when I combine it with the voice-to-text technology, I am able to produce a 300-400 word blog without a keyboard. This freedom from the computer will allow me to blog more when I am not home and only have access to my phone and wifi. Another thing I started was drinking MCT Oil (C:6,C:8) with my coffee in the morning. So far I am very excited about...

Don't be a Pusillanimous!

That’s right, I said it. Don’t be a pusillanimous! You need to take life by the axle and twist it for your advantage. If it was easy, anyone would do it. But it is not. You simply have to make a choice on what kind of person you want to be; pusillanimous or heroic. When a situation presents us with an opportunity we have about five seconds to take action. Five seconds until you will choose inaction over action. I learned this concept from Mel Robbins ( ), and she is spot on. You know that I don’t just take anyone’s word for anything. I want to see it in action for myself, so I experiment with the different ideas I’m presented with. The five second rule is a thing. Just ask Mel. What this means is that our natural state is to be a pusillanimous. Or, at least we have a very small window to be heroic. Perhaps this is why we admire heroes. We think that they are awesome because we could never do such things. And as long as someone else does it, we won’t have to. ...

Resetting Life, Day 3 of 17

I see myself as a Savage and a Philosopher. I try not to shy away from the brutality of life, but use the opportunity to learn. These past couple of days have been brutal on my psyche as I am no longer distracted by the normal rhythms of routine. I dig deep into what drives me, I need to accept what I find as my truth (at this time). Then, if I choose, I can change. I spent the most of the day yesterday in a couple different types of meditation in an effort to get to my core, or at least into a deeper part of my subconscious. Results: I am truly happy when I am teaching. The topic of the book I’m going to write is on ‘Small Team Leadership’. I need to understand how to set up systems. Review of Yesterday. Overall, a lot of adulting got done. The dishes, bathroom, laundry, and some of the rooms were tidied up. I wish I could take the credit for all the activity, but to my surprise my kids decided on their own to chip in. They took care of the bathroom and living...

How to Take Control of Your Life (a rant)

I am inspired to take control of my life from the clutches other people’s obligations and the entrapment of other people’s desires. These are the reasons why I have not found the time nor priority to do this blog, which I love. At first, I thought it was I just out of things to say. A barren dustbowl of topics that I cared about had dried up like the desert. I had said all the things that I could say. In reality, I couldn’t find the time to even think. As I am on the cusp of a two week staycation, I can hear the faint voice of expression. It is as if my mind had been burdened with so much ‘stuff’ that it was being suffocated. In taking my first gasp of air in a long time, I see that it was the weight of the chains put on me that was bringing me down. Like an anchor, I was sinking to the bottom of the sea. I promised in the title that this will be a how-to guide. So here it is; How-to Take Control of Your Life: Step 1: Realize that your depression may not be of your making and ...

How to Overcome Fear

Before we get started, we should first define fear. According to our good friend Webster, fear is “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger”. If we were to dissect this definition a little, we realize that there are two parts. The first is the “anticipation or awareness of danger”, and the second is the reaction to that perception with a “strong emotion”. This is important because I believe that the reaction is dependent upon the perception. This also gives us a possible lever of control. If we control our perception, than we can control our fear. Basically, we are only afraid of dangers that we know about. If this is true, then we could purposefully redefine what we consider as dangerous. In today’s world we are not normally chased by lions and tigers, but our fears of failure and loss trigger the same emotion. So, if we want to control our lives and make choices (the key to being Human) then we need a way to control our mind to minimiz...

My Typical Day...

I wanted to take a minute and discuss what a typical day for me looks like. This is to emphasis two things. The first is that it takes Willpower to do things you don’t want to do. The second is that the body and spirit has limits. Note, while the daily details change, the amount of effort remains the same for every day I choose to be free. 0400 - Wake up after only getting about three hours of sleep. This happened because I am currently in my transitions class and all the new information is creating a whirlwind of thoughts. I finally lay down, my brain continues to compute my new future. 0400...0600 - I am currently enrolled in the veteran Boots2Business class, and I had to catch up on the homework and watch a 30 minute video. When I was done; I started laundry, shower, get dressed, and wake up the kids for school. 0600...0700 - I struggled to get the kids up, fed, and lunches made. I didn’t have time to actually see them off to school. I had to trust them to leave 15 minutes ...

Why am I not Batman?

I struggle every day to find a space where my expectations and mindset meets the reality of the rest of the world. The frustration born from this discordance can be overwhelming and seem impassable. When I look around I see the untapped potential of the faces and events around me and I wonder if I have the right to expect that potential to be fulfilled. As some point we must reach a civilized agreement of what we will tolerate from each other. What we will allow to coexist within our space and what we will shun. And with this thought and question lingering I slip into the topic of today’s blog. “Why am I not Batman!” That is right, you heard me. The single indomitable focus to live a life unafraid in the pursuit of a mission and idea greater than oneself. The skill and determination to press hard against life knowing that this maybe the only chance we get to satisfy our higher divine needs. The limitless mindset to go further than anyone has ever before just to say at the end of the...

To be Human is to Create

I am not content. I am grateful for everything in my life. My struggles and my victories define the person I am today, but I want more. Why am I just not content with having what I have? Why do I feel this need to obtain more in my life? I’m not talking about physical things. While I certainly would like a couple of nicer things, this feeling of discontent is driven by something much deeper. I do what many of us do. I seek out others that may have some guidance or answer to why this hole exists in my stomach. Reading and listening to all the great authors and thinkers of mankind doesn’t seem to reach down deep enough. They grab my mind, my heart, just not by gut. That part of us that ‘hungers’. What is this beast that resides within me that seems to be insatiable? Perhaps, this is the Human Instinct. Every animal on the planet is born with instincts that are tailored to the survival of its particular species. You don’t find deer hunting rabbits, lions grazing on grass, or sharks eat...

The Savage Philosopher - Mission Statement and Introduction

The Savage Philosopher Purpose: I am here as a Savage; one who lives in the brutality of life, and as a Philosopher; one who examines the meaning of it. I believe that the Human race will one day come together and connect in ways that make our world a better place for generations to come. Since the beginning of time humans have come together for survival and for prosperity. We started out small families that grew into larger tribes until we were Nations. Many things separate us; from languages to ideals, we separate our world into comfortable spaces. Our challenge then is to become uncomfortable. We must seek experiences to connect with one another, and we must learn to live with each other’s differences. I have hope for the human race. I have hope that we will one day reconcile our differences with tolerance and acceptance. I have hope that we will no longer seek to control others, but seek to find Harmony. While I have hope, I am a realist. The human race is first and foremost an...