I took a couple of days off from this series to build up some successes (or failures) that were worthy of talking about. Our last discussion was very bland as I started to engage into a more optimal battlerythm. We left off with some simple goals of increasing the number of blogs and getting the dishes done. Well, with such low goals, I can say with complete confidence that over the last couple of days I had complete success….yea me.
I did though begin to stretch into a couple of different areas and techniques that I think are pretty cool. I started to do some of my blog posts from my phone. I have the ‘blogger’ app on my phone and when I combine it with the voice-to-text technology, I am able to produce a 300-400 word blog without a keyboard. This freedom from the computer will allow me to blog more when I am not home and only have access to my phone and wifi.
Another thing I started was drinking MCT Oil (C:6,C:8) with my coffee in the morning. So far I am very excited about the results. Within the first few minutes of drinking the spiked coffee my mind begins to clear. The normal drowsiness that last for at least three cups of coffee is gone after a few sips. I also find that I drink way less coffee. I am averaging two cups a day instead six to ten. My plan is to use the MCT Oil for at least two weeks noting any difference in my mental acuity. Then, I will stop using for three to four days to see if there is any changes. The last time I did this experiment, I was using a natural vitamin stack for mental cognition. During the pause my ability to perform was drastically reduced. This at least for me helped me narrow down the effects of Gingko Biloba on my body and mind. I am hoping for a similar data set using the MCT.
I am also back into my natural sleep cycle (when I sleep) of getting up at 0300 in the morning. I will have to dedicate an entire series regarding the benefits of getting up this early, but for now let me just say that I am able to accomplish a great deal of work before anyone wakes up. When combined with the MCT Oil, this has allowed me to function very well when I am not able to sleep the night before. Which, will be the next thing for me to adjust. I think there is a direct correlation between my gym time and my ability to get to sleep that night. As I have adjusted back to my early schedule, today I will also get back into my gym routine. Routine is so important. While on my sabbatical, not being on a routine stresses me out and reduces my enjoyment of taking time off. I am very happy to be realigning.
Finally, I saw a video from Brian Tracy on Youtube and was inspire to write up a five year plan. He sets up six questions to answer as detailed as possible for each year. I was really surprised as my ability to cough up a lot of detail regarding what I wanted out of life. And with each question I was able to design an action plan with specific desired results. Just getting through the first two years in detail has changed my life. If you want to try it yourself, here are the questions.
1. What do I want to change this year? What would make my life easier or better this year?
2. Where I am living? Same place, or am I going to upgrade?
3. How do I want to better myself this year?
4. What steps do I need to make for financial security? Career based, what moves? Savings?
5. What are some fun things I want to do this year?
6. What goals do I have for my family? Saving for education? Helping them get a job?
Plan for Today.
Today is the day I change the oil in my car. This is one of my stretch goals and huge confidence builders for me. Doing anything mechanical has been a little out of my reach because I never considered myself a “car guy”. Well, I’m changing that today. I am now a guy who changes his own oil….
Also, the wife and I will be combing over our finances. We have a lot of paperwork to fill out for each of our creditors and some phone calls to make to see if they will lower our interest rates and maybe even give us some refunds. I also will be setting up some autowithdraws with the bank to put a little towards paying off my fixed debt by Dec 2017 instead of Feb 2018. This is in line with my financial goals on my five year plan.
Final Thoughts.
I wrote this entire blog in one sitting in under 40 minutes. Thank you MCT spiked coffee. I look forward to today and I am grateful for all the opportunities in my life.
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