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Resetting Life, Day 2 of 17

Yesterday was mostly successful. I have found that eating one meal a day is very difficult unless I am with people that eat one meal a day (or by myself). Other than that, I did get a couple of blogs out and had the time to research how to write a book and the volunteer opportunities in my area.

Every day I seek to learn more about myself and the reasons why I do what I do. Yesterday I struggled to keep my cool while my pre-teen daughter did what pre-teen daughters do, drive their fathers crazy. I was good initially and then got tired of the attitude and then realized that I simply did not have the skills to handle it. So I called the Mom. She brilliantly deescalated the situation and we made it through the rest of the night.

What I learned is that I still have some learning to do. So I will add building a stronger relationship and reducing the frustration between me and my daughters to the list of accomplishments I want to have on this reset.

Review of Yesterday.

As I mentioned before, I wasn’t able to OMAD yesterday. To compensate I ate two salads instead of regular meals for both lunch and dinner. I also learned that I don’t eat because I am hungry. I eat because everyone else I am with are eating, and it is the social thing to do. This will be the biggest obstacle to me accomplishing this goal. If you have any ideas on how I can overcome this, please leave a comment below. I am at a loss of what to try. Thank you.

All of my newfound free time allowed me to write up two blogs yesterday. One was on this topic and another about my morning ritual. Or at least part of my morning ritual. If I can blog twice or more a day, I will be closer to reaching my subscriber goal. According to the research, the first thing I need to do is generate content. Hopefully good content, but at least some content. You can let me know if it is good.

Plan for Today.

Today is dedicated to de-cluttering my life. I see some good Adulting in my future; laundry, dishes, cleaning the bathrooms, taking trash down to the trash yard, etc. I think there is a balance between nesting and creating a protective cocoon of stuff. I do know that when the area around me is clear and clean, my mind is calm and focused.

Final Thought.

Life is hard. It is meant to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, we would not grow and evolve. Accept that it is hard, learn from the challenges, and be grateful for the opportunity experience such wonders.


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