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Don't be a Pusillanimous!

That’s right, I said it. Don’t be a pusillanimous! You need to take life by the axle and twist it for your advantage. If it was easy, anyone would do it. But it is not. You simply have to make a choice on what kind of person you want to be; pusillanimous or heroic.

When a situation presents us with an opportunity we have about five seconds to take action. Five seconds until you will choose inaction over action. I learned this concept from Mel Robbins (, and she is spot on. You know that I don’t just take anyone’s word for anything. I want to see it in action for myself, so I experiment with the different ideas I’m presented with. The five second rule is a thing. Just ask Mel.

What this means is that our natural state is to be a pusillanimous. Or, at least we have a very small window to be heroic. Perhaps this is why we admire heroes. We think that they are awesome because we could never do such things. And as long as someone else does it, we won’t have to. We can remain in our non-heroic state and not feel bad about it.

Feel bad. Feel bad that you didn’t choose action and let that fire burn you into motivation. Let it sear into your mind the necessity of taking action. Another favorite blog I read is the Art of Manliness ( They have a great article breaking down why you should be more action oriented. Here is the link:

At the end of the day, we are the hero’s of our own story. A story that can only be told from our own perspective and is the one we tell ourselves as we shape our identity. Taking ownership of that story is the first thing we can do to take ownership of our lives. Then we have to find the courage to fight against our pusillanimous self and take actions that add to our story.

Write your story. Write a damn good story. Write a damn good heroic story. Just write it.


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