Connecting. The human species is a very fragile and weak creature when are compared to all the other animals on the planet. We do not have thick skin, claws, the ability to run fast, climb, or thrive in environments beyond a very small range of temperatures. Our situation is even more dire when we are first born. The species family unit must maintain hundred percent vigilance for the first couple years of life just to be able to survive. By all rights, the human species should’ve been destroyed by everything else on this planet. So why are we still here?? From my personal experience, I believe it is because of our ability to collaborate with one another and work towards a common goal through task specialization and delegation. It is impossible to be all things to all people. Our natural talents and disadvantages automatically make us better at some things and worse at others. Through task specialization we can become more useful to those around us and becomes a key reason why others...
Life is brutal and we must choose to be Human.