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My TV is Killing Me

I am beginning to wonder if there is a difference between malignant and benign influences. Without getting into a full debate today about the relevance of good and evil; I want to highlight an observation:

An unseen power flows through repeated messages.

Only recently I have begun to watch TV again. After five years overseas there was no point to watch the local cable stations. And now that I’m back in the states, over the last two weeks I have been taking advantage.

I have concluded that those who have chosen the programming do not know what they do. As the word suggests, programming is a deliberate intent to create actions by convincing the cognitive space. I understand the economics of advertisement and the systems that employ them. I do not think that those who schedule the programs really understand how they affect the cognitive space outside of purchasing a consumer product.

Being reborn into this environment I was not prepared for the psychological battle I would have to endure just to watch a TV show. I have begun to feel more apathetic and less hopeful about the future. This is outside my character. The only input into my personal cognitive space that has changed over the last month was watching more than three hours of TV a day.

A quick Google search for a quote to better express this thought. Led me to Proverbs 4:23.

“More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.”

Once again the ancient wisdom can be used in the 21st-century. Taking it’s advice, I will not be watching TV ever again. I want to choose what enters my mind. I no longer give authority or permission to those who I do not know to feed me things I do not need.

I recommend you do the same.

-Stay Savage


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