Day 1 complete. I probably should've picked a different day to start my fast. Starting it on the Fourth of July was a true test of self control. All day at the festival they were selling hot dogs, hamburgers, funnel cake, waffles, brats, lumpia, etc. All day I sat there letting my family enjoy all the delicious food. All day I thought to myself, “if I get through today, the rest will be easy.”
Well, mission accomplished. I enjoyed the holiday without incident. The only thing I realize that I didn’t do was drink enough water. Not because I was hungry, but because I was so dehydrated. It probably prevented me from getting any real sleep last night.
Lesson 1: Drink much more water than I think I need.
As for any hunger issues. My hypothesis was correct. The fact that I am on an OMAD diet fixed any hunger pains I had to only early afternoon. After that, I was good regardless of the temptation.
Around 1600, I started my planned workout. I got through half before it was cut short to go to the holiday festivities. So I did 3 sets of 5 min rope, 15 pushups, 15 situps, 15 squats all while wearing a 12 pound weighted vest. It was a good workout and I look forward to doing the full version later this week.
I did take some initial pictures, no I’m not going to post them.
My end of day weigh-in for day 1 of the fast was: 230.6 pounds.
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