Am I a Human or an Animal? This question is one of the central themes of this blog. We know biologically that we are part of the Homo Sapien species in the Animalia kingdom. This classification only helps us with taxonomy, but not it’s meaning. I believe that the only way to truly define what it means to be a Human is through experience and self awareness.
This brings me to my current test to see if I am more Human or more Animal. To help me figure that out, I have started a seven day fast. That is right. Seven days of only water and black coffee. I’ve done all the research and will break the fast if I think the reaper is coming for me.
The Plan.
I expect that I will start to get hungry around lunch time. I have been on the One Meal A Day program now for two months and my body knows when it is feeding time. Specifically, the Ghrelin hormone (the reason you feel hungry at just before meal time) will spike between 1030 and 1130. I will need to just wait for the hormone to flush through my system by 1400. Since I only eat one meal a day, I will only get one spike instead of the normal three.
As my body works up to switching to Ketogenesis, it will go through one more violent throw for sugar based energy by day three. But, by day four, my system should be in full ketogenesis. I will know this by a sudden spike in energy.
The only thing I need to watch for next is the sudden hunger that comes from the back of the throat or severe migraines. Those are the signs of the reaper, and I will be forced to break the fast.
According to the research and testimonials, the level of physical activity is really important. Intuitively, you would want to do as little as possible. This would cause a loss in muscle mass and overall physical performance. I will be testing the theory that the body needs more physical exertion during times of ‘famine’ not less. This makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. To survive a time of low food source, we would need a greater capacity to hunt longer.
The plan is to workout every day.
Tues: 30 min Rope / 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats
Wed: Max weight training / sprints for 2 miles
Thurs: 1 hour jog
Fri: 1 hour incline walk / 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats
Sat: 30 min Core workout
Sun: Sprints for 2 miles / 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats
Mon: 1 hour jog
Tues: 30 min Rope / 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats
I will blog at the end of every day to tell you all about my experiences and to keep myself accountable. There will also weigh-in every night before bed and I will take some before / after fasting photos. No promises that I will ever share said photos, but I will take them.
So there you have it. My purpose is to prove that I am more Human than Animal. To prove that I have the mental toughness to persevere and use that part of my mind that separates us from the beasts in the wild to tame my own.
Stay Savage.
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