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Violence, Shootings, and Protests

Be warned, this post may offend.

I wish that the visions of Ghandi and Dr. King were the mainstream belief systems of all the people in the world. Unfortunately, they are our inspired outliers. They lift us up in their vision because the truth of the matter is that we are savages.

Humans, like all animals on this planet, fight for survival and resources. We are violent opportunist, and our ability to apply our skills has allowed us to remain on the top of the food chain. We will become prey the moment we do use our ability to apply violence. While this may not be the ideal version of the human race, it applies to the mass majority.

The tools of our violence have evolved from fists to nuclear weapons. The purpose of the tools is to ensure our survivability. When you look at the human species from a global perspective we create all the violence because we are struggling to survive on a global scale.

This struggle is played out on the micro and macro levels. The recent school shootings in the United States reflect an individual struggle while the war in Syria reflects a nation's. The expression of violence and attempt to solve an individuals or nations problems is the most basic an animalistic solution. It doesn’t have to be this way. As a human being we have options.

One are those options is that we can rally together and protest ideas and events we disagree with. The ability to stand together is a higher form and expression in problem-solving. It is slower and more time-consuming than directed violence. And it may be countered with violence depending on the situation. Because the protest only works when a human being takes up physical space that another human being wants. The taking of the physical space is a form of violence and resource acquisition even if it’s only temporary. So we should not be surprised if a lesser form of violence occurs.

In a recent interview by the Dalai Lama he said that praying for world peace doesn’t work. We are the cause of the violence in the world and only we can stop it. When the worlds values change to a dedication of nonviolent action then World peace maybe possible. But as long as a single human being is willing to taking direct violent action against another, and in some cases feeling that they have a moral right, world peace will remain a dream.

Do what you can. Inspire others to be better. Learn conflict for resolution, negotiation, and diplomacy. 

Make the world better.

-Stay Savage 


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