Pick something that you think is just out of reach. An accomplishment you have never done before and you think will take everything you have to finish. Some of the things that are out of my reach deal with the mechanical, physical, and mental aspects of my world. I have never changed my oil in my car before. This is something that I thought was far beyond my mechanical skill. So tomorrow, I will change the oil in my car all by myself. This will be a significant milestone in my mechanical career. I just never considered myself a car guy. Doing mechanical things simply is not in my current identity. This task was stretched who I think I am. I also just received the books for my school classes, business management and sociology. My goal is to finish both classes before June 5th 2017. Finishing these classes within the first week of the semester will be a significant achievement for me. I normally waite to the very last second that finished the classes. Sucking a at class work has been ...
Life is brutal and we must choose to be Human.